July 2012 Update
Submitted by admin on Fri, 06/07/2012 - 4:48pm
Thanks to the appalling flying weather: The update for July:
- Major changes to the software to allow for a single NOTAM to be mapped onto multiple areas, where the NOTAM describes more than one affected area. Improved NOTAM text parsing to map these areas.
- You may now view maps for Spain and Portugal.
- Details for each airfield/flying site are now on a separate page, from where you can go directly to the correction page, if you know of any changes.
- FIRs (Flight Information Regions) have been added to the database. You can now show these FIRs on the maps.
- NOTAMs that affect an entire FIR are now mapped onto the FIR boundary rather than some huge circle.
- Gliding areas are now shown purple on the maps, rather than the previous green.
- Minor improvements to the mapping, especially overlaying of lower airspaces.